#2 梧槽坊組屋 - Rochor Centre

#2 梧槽坊組屋 - Rochor Centre

平常價 $300.00

僅存數量 10 !



Rochor Centre

The Rochor Centre HDB flats are the gateway sentries of the city centre. Those driving downtown, reluctant to pay fees to enter the city centre, would park here. Who would have thought that, to develop the North-South traffic corridor, these four brightly coloured apartment blocks would, tragically, have to be demolished? Those flocks of pigeons on its rooftops, where are they going to end up?


Shot on Canon 5D, EF 70-200mm f2.8L IS II, @85mm f2.8, 1/800s, ISO 250 | 42cm x 52cm