合作藝術家/Our Collaborating Artist:Mao Mao Thinks

品牌 Brand: Mao Mao Thinks

藝術家 Artist: Kiu Hui Ling/丘蕙凌

品牌商標 Brand Logo:


@maomaothinks 是個以新加坡日常生活為靈感創作藝術的品牌。通過「貓」(代表著受人喜愛的社區貓咪們)為主角的插圖,蕙凌喜歡重新想像熟悉的本地景點,以喚起一種懷舊感。日復日,快速發展的新加坡地貌與景觀,促使她透過她的作品記錄下人們的集體/共同記憶。

除此之外,蕙凌也與不少品牌聯名合作,例如Costa Coffee(咖世家), @maomaothinks 也擁有自己的周邊系列——從藝術印品(art prints)到鑰匙扣等,蕙凌希望通過她的創作提醒人們,留心社區裡日常生活的點滴。

Brand & Artist Introduction

@maomaothinks is a brand that creates art inspired from ordinary life in Singapore. Through the illustrations of cat characters (representing the beloved community cats),  Ling loves to reimagine familiar local sights to evoke a sense of nostalgia. She believes in documenting common memories through her art, amidst Singapore’s constantly changing landscape.

Having collaborated with brands such as Costa Coffee, @maomaothinks also has her own product range. From art prints to keychains, Ling hopes that her products will remind her users to appreciate the everydayness of their neighbourhood.
