合作藝術家/Our Collaborating Artist:Fawn Products

品牌 Brand: Fawn Products

藝術家 Artist: Chermaine Aw Yong/歐陽詩敏

品牌商標 Brand Logo:


大家好,我是幼鹿文創(Fawn Products)的歐陽詩敏。幼鹿文創是鹿與穴設計室(Deer and Den Design)旗下的設計品牌,是一家紮根於新加坡的創意工作室,提供品牌建立、設計到製作的服務。幼鹿文創以對藝術的熱忱為基礎,提供一個平台將想像實體化,並注入生命。


Brand & Artist Introduction

Chermaine Aw Yong is the Co-founder of Fawn Products, a brand under Deer and Den Design, a humble creative house in Singapore bringing you from branding, design to production. Having an outlet to bring imagination to life is fundamental to the creative house's passion for the arts.

Thus, Fawn Products was born as a channel to express the team's artistry in illustrating fun loving characters and crafting them into whimsical products.
