合作藝術家/Our Collaborating Artist:Epoch Design Studio

品牌 Brand: Epoch Design Studio

藝術家 Artist: Soh Choi Yin/蘇彩燕

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  蘇彩燕是 Epoch Design Studio(世紀設計工作室)的創辦人及UI/UX設計顧問。「世紀」主要業務包括:設計、網頁開發、動畫設計、電子化教學內容,遊戲開發與宣傳,以及為互動性廚房用品和家電做原型開發。

  在創辦跨世紀前,彩燕曾在美国和新加坡工作。她曾榮獲新加坡設計理事會(DesignSingapore Council)「青年設計師獎」(Young Designers Award),以及擔任新加坡國家圖書館李光前參考圖書館(Lee Kong Chian Reference Library)的研究員。她的研究圍繞著「設計類型學」(Design Typology)中的跨文化(cross-cultural)現象,探索著美學、文化影響與應用設計的微妙關係。她的研究成果曾發佈於不同的設計研討會,包括珀斯、芬蘭、瑞典和新加坡。

  同時,彩燕也用心繪畫,並參與了新加坡、悉尼、北京和蘇州等團體設計藝術展。她的作品「生命那瞬間」(Moments of Life)使她在悉尼被認可為「新晉青年藝術家」(emerging young artists)。她的另一部作品「設計作為文化成品:博雅之城」(Design as Cultural Artefact: Eclecti-City)曾於新加坡設計嘉年華展展出,而獲得新加坡惠普公司支持的「機緣、運氣和意外」(Chance, Luck and Accident),還有「烏美,烏美!」(Ubi, Ubi!)則在新加坡藝術週展出。使用七彩斑斕的顏色與精湛的手工,彩燕的繪畫充滿了詼諧幽默,展示了平凡人在街道上的細微日常,更刻畫出了文化和平共處的相輔相成與融合。

Brand & Artist Introduction

Soh Choi Yin is the Founder/UI/UX Design Consultant of Epoch Design Studio. The studio specializes in design, web development/animation, digitizing educational content, game development for advertising, and interactive prototyping for kitchen appliances and electronic devices.


Prior to the founding of Epoch, Choi Yin worked in the United States and Singapore. She was a merit recipient of Young Designers Award and Research Fellow at Lee Kong Chian Reference Library in Singapore. Her research revolves around cross-cultural studies in design typologies, and explores the intricate relationship between aesthetics, cultural influences, and functional design. Her design research papers were published at numerous design conferences in Perth, Finland, Sweden and Singapore.


Choi Yin illustrates and participated in group exhibitions in Singapore, Sydney, Beijing and Suzhou Design Festival. Her illustrations ‘Moments of Life’ recognized her as an emerging young artist in Sydney. Her works ‘Design as Cultural Artefact: Eclecti-City’ was exhibited in Singapore Design Festival, ‘Chance, Luck and Accident’ art show was supported by Hewlett Packard Singapore and ‘Ubi, Ubi!’ was exhibited during Singapore Art Week. Using vivid colours and handicrafts, Choi Yin’s illustration embraces humour and reveals the intricate narratives of people on the streets, highlighting the harmonious coexistence of different cultures.
